Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Where the Trees Stand Still

That's a line from one of my favorite songs. I love the idea of finding myself "where the trees stand still". It seems we many times find that we have painted ourselves into a corner of lost time and no wiggle room. While it's great to be busy and take opportunities to jump into life, we can easily cross the line and find ourselves gasping for air, trees whizzing by at light speed.

Looking back, I don't believe that folks a generation or two ago were any less fulfilled because of their lack of stuff to do and places to go. I'm sure they weren't lamenting the lack of technology to help them stay connected to friends and family instantaneously. In fact from my own memory (since I'm an old dude) and first hand conversations, I believe the simplicity they experienced perhaps made life even more fulfilling than our current "everything available at your fingertips all the time" state.

I'm not advocating we smash and burn all our technology and return to the 1800's, but I do believe that we would do well to limit our schedules and find times of solitude and serenity. To find ourselves occasionally where the trees stand still. The more time we spend in that place the more we can hear that still, small voice of God. He waits there, longing for connection and relationship with us.

I guess that's enough for now. Thanks for letting an old man ramble.